This is a small blog post on circe-fs2, a small library for streaming, using fs2, JSON parsing and decoding, using circe.
Since the documentation is a bit scarce, I put together a small guide to keep people from having to check out the source code.
For the purpose of the tutorial, let’s say that we have the following popularity.json
"repo": "circe-fs2",
"stars": 13
"repo": "circe-yaml",
"stars": 32
which we wish to parse and decode as the following Popularity
case class:
case class Popularity(repo: String, stars: Int)
circe-fs2 offers three different strategies to parse your stream of JSONs depending on the type of your input stream.
Stream[F[_], String]
If you have a stream of strings you can parse it using stringParser
val stringStream: Stream[Task, String] =
io.file.readAll[Task](Paths.get("popularity.json"), 4096)
val parsedStream: Stream[Task, Json] =
Stream[F[_], Byte]
If you have a stream of bytes, you can rely on byteParser
val byteStream: Stream[Task, Byte] =
io.file.readAll[Task](Paths.get("popularity.json"), 4096)
val parsedStream: Stream[Task, Json] =
Note that this parser hasn’t been published yet, you’ll have to compile circe-fs2 from source if you want to use it.
Stream[F[_], Chunk[Byte]]
Finally, if you have a stream of chunked bytes, you can use byteParserC
val byteCStream: Stream[Task, Chunk[Byte]] =
io.file.readAll[Task](Paths.get("popularity.json"), 4096)
val parsedStream: Stream[Task, Json] =
We now have a Stream[F[_]], Json]
, where Json
is Circe’s way of representing a JSON.
Now that we have a stream of Json
s, we can rely on circe-generic to automatically derive a
for our Popularity
case class and turn our stream into a Stream[F[_], Popularity]
val popularityStream: Stream[Task, Popularity] =
parsedStream.through(decoder[Task, Popularity])
We can now run our stream:
I hope this introduction proved useful.
You can find a full gist at